New England Highway, Cabarlah QLD 4352 Pro Shop : 07 4696 6396.

Womens Golf

play 18 holes every Tuesday from 8-30am in winter (June, July and August)
and from
8-00am for the rest of the year.
For inclusion in the draw, please contact Captain Janelle Kruse at or on 0407 691 280.
Fees are $12.50.
Competition Fees are $25.
Member’s Competition Fees are $20.
Please note that women, who are NOT members of a club, can not play in the competitions.

Women play 9 holes every Monday from 8.30am in winter (June, July and August) and from 8.00am for the rest of the year.
This group is aimed at women who want to start playing golf or who want to return to the game after a break. The emphasis is on having fun and to build your skill and knowledge of the game in a relaxed friendly environment.
Should you wish to join the group, please contact Secretary Petae Frazer at or on 0432 371 230.
For inclusion in the draw, please contact Captain Janelle Kruse at or on 0407 691 280.
The cost is $3 or $18 for Non Members for 9 holes.
Once a month there is an optional 9 hole competition.
The cost is $6 or $12.50 for Non Members.
In addition, we request a contribution of 50 cents towards the cost of morning tea each Monday.
Borneo Barracks Induction Video
On entering Borneo Barracks for golf related activities, you acknowledge that you have watched, and understood the video, and agree to abide by these, and other rules laid down in the video or by the club.